Saturday, January 10, 2009

A War For The Better/ The Effect of War

Most of us heard about the so called the "war for the better" Israel started on Gaza. I think that the media that I am following may be drastically different from the one most Americans follow. I watch uncensored media. A media that doesn't only censor bloody scenes, but one that doesn't censor the truth.
What is happening in Gaza is absolutely horrific and ghastly. It makes me so angry. No one is doing much about it. Israel is bombing the hell out of poor civilians. Powerless children,woman and families are being bombarded by rocks everyday. I am simply amazed. People preach about humanity and equality and a better world, and then this happens? Everybody is just watching! People are just shaking hands. Dire genocides are happening EVERYday in Gaza. Children have been losing their mothers,fathers, and siblings. Babies are dying. And what ticks me off is that America is yet supporting Israel murdering all these innocents souls. Aren't those poor Palestinians human? Don't they have the right to live a decent war free life? Why is it that when a white child or an american child die, the whole world goes crazy, and when hundreds and hundreds of poor Arab kids die, no one cares, and no one barely hear about it?
I am chocked. Some people seriously have no idea what is going on out there!

I have been involved in many discussion about this, and it simply irritates me when people tell me that I am only looking at one side of the story. How Israelis have their own side of this whole never ending conflict. You know what, I do not care. Most people don't know how it feels like: to live home and have people coming in raping their rights, killing their family, and burring their heritage . It wasn't long time a go when the Italians where in my home, Libya. They exile hundreds, hundreds, and hundreds of people. Woman have been raped and people were being brutalized in every possible way. They excluded many people from going to school and getting education. How would you feel if this happened to you, your parents, you grandparent, or great grandparents? Memories of wars are horrific.If it was me, I would fight to the death. Fight for my right, my dignity, my home. Those poor Palestinians have been putting up with this since ever and ever. How could people blame those kids for throwing rocks?

Gaza war is doing nothing BUT continuing to fan the flames of antagonism and antipathy of Jews and Israels. And, then they label Muslims and Arabs as the terrorist? Have you seen the news?
Those Israels are so brutal, they didn't even allow the UN to provide humanitarian aid to the poor civilians. No Humanitarian crises, that is what Israel's foreign minister said. Apparently, according to her, when People have lost their homes, toddlers lost their families ;watched them dying direly, and have no appropriate medical care and power supply, it is NOT considered to be a humanitarian crises.

So, my friends, where is the humanity, peace, and equality for all that almost all governments are preaching about?
I understand that they would like to stop Hamas and captivate the heads of it, but seriously, do you just start miscellaneously bombing people to catch one person?
I am not siding for Palestinians just because I may share a lot with them. Well, that could be a factor, but, I have eyes, I have a brain. All I need is to think; to see the truth. Israel won't rest until they get rid of all Palestinians. It is not an attention of them to try to live peacefully with Palestinians. They are constantly pushing their buttons. They have their soldiers wandering around with their guns all over. Kids and woman are being called names, and having guns pointed at their faces. They are alienating them from all basic human rights. There are places in Palestine that merely have no power supply, water , and severely limited medical care.
Animals are being treated better than those Palestinians.

Just think; what if it has been your home? Your dad/Mam being mistreated and viciously have their homes,dignity, respect, and human rights taken away from them?...

Light a candle for those souls that had their blood shed away for the sake of a war for the better... .

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